Wednesday, April 4, 2012

my hometown

            Maninjau is my hometown. It is located in Agam, not far from Lubuk Basung. It is a beautiful village. The most familiar thing in Maninjau is Lake Maninjau. Everyone who comes to Maninjau always want to see it as their main destiny. A lot of people just know that Maninjau only have a lake as the tourism place, but in fact Maninjau have another tourism. Maninjau have several waterfall that call Sarasah. There are three Sarasah in Maninjau, but the people only allow to visit 2 Sarasah because the other Sarasah is very dangerous.
            Based on the tourism, Maninjau have many delicious food if you come to Maninjau you can eat rinuak. It is such kind of very small fish. The people who visit Maninjau always buy it. Another food that you can taste is pensi. I do not know how to describe it, but it look like very small tiram. So, if you want to go on vacation Maninjau can be one of the interesting place to visit.


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